
cinestill 800t

D.C. Photo Story on 35mm Film by Shirsho Dasgupta on Shoot It With Film

A D.C. Photo Story by Shirsho Dasgupta

I'm a reporter (NOT photojournalist) based out of Washington, DC. I moved to the city in the summer of 2019 and took up film photography...

US Travel Series on 35mm Film by Annraoi Blaney on Shoot It With Film

U.S. Travel Series by Annraoi Blaney

Annraoi spent three months last summer exploring Maine, New York City, and Oregon with family and friends...

Canada Photo Essay on Film by Alex van Leeuwen on Shoot It With Film

Canada Photo Essay by Alex van Leeuwen

Earlier this summer, I visited my best friend who lives in Vancouver and - together with two other close friends - embarked on a road trip through British Columbia...

35mm Singapore Travel Story by Nico Aquino on Shoot It With Film

Singapore and the Philippines Travel Story by Nico Aquino

Today, we're featuring a travel story from Guam based photographer Nico Aquino. Scroll below to see the images Nico captured on a recent trip to Singapore and the Philippines...

Malaysia and Singapore on 35mm film by Sarah Moylan on Shoot It With Film

Malaysia and Singapore Photo Essay by Sarah Moylan

I took a whirlwind nine-day trip to Malaysia and Singapore at the end of February, which is a bit crazy when you consider that Singapore...

Medium format film image of Japan by Anastasia Fua on Shoot It With Film

Japan Travel Story by Anastasia Fua

I visited Japan for the first time (planned for five years) in October. I was pretty anxious about the trip because I didn't want high expectations...

35mm film image of a double exposure in New York City - Night in New York by Jean-Christophe Villefranche on Shoot It With Film

Night in New York by Jean-Christophe Villefranche

I stayed in New York City for five days, and on the last day, I had to take a bus at midnight at Port Authority to go to Montréal...

35mm film image of the Sierras - Solo in the Sierra by Lauren Fraser on Shoot It With Film

Solo in the Sierra by Lauren Fraser

I hadn’t been out of the city since I moved to it 10 months ago. I came down to LA from Northern California last fall...

Film image of southern Texas - Travels in Southern Texas by Jake Peterson on Shoot It With Film

Travels in Southern Texas by Jake Peterson

The first thing you find out once you step foot in South Texas is that nothing - and I mean nothing - was intended to live there. The heat swelters...

Portrait on Kodak Portra 400 pushed one stop - CineStill 800T vs Portra 400 Pushed by John Adams III on Shoot it With Film

CineStill 800T vs Portra 400 Pushed One Stop by John Adams III

I recently completed a shoot in New York where I didn’t know how the lighting would be until I arrived. As I made my way to the shoot location in...