Ilford Pan F Plus 50 Review: A Perfect B&W Film for Sunny Days by James Baturin
Last week, I decided to take my Hasselblad 500CM out with me on the golf course. After all, why not live my best life by combining...
6 Tips for Photographing Fog & Creating Magical Images on Film by James Baturin
One of my favorite conditions to shoot film is in the fog. It creates a mood and atmosphere that I love and can turn even the most ordinary scene...
Ilford FP4 Plus Black & White Film Review by James Baturin
When I think of faster film speeds, “versatility” is not the first word that comes to mind. On the one hand, they are generally the sharpest film stocks around with...
Top Ten Film Photography Tutorials of 2022!
It's hard to believe 2023 is already here! We hope the last year was filled with so much joy and incredible memories (that you got to capture on film...
An Introduction to Neutral Density Filters by James Baturin
Neutral Density (ND) filters are an amazing tool you can use to capture stunning creative effects in camera, even in the harshest lighting conditions...
6 Composition Tips when Shooting Square Format by James Baturin
The square image has grown in popularity with the advent of Instagram, but in the film world square format has been around for a long long time....
Arista EDU Ultra 400 B&W Film Review by James Baturin
In the never ending pursuit to shoot film on a budget, I decided to give Arista EDU Ultra 400 black and white film a try...
Understanding Medium Format vs 35mm Lenses and Equivalent Focal Lengths
Making the switch from 35mm to medium format film involves a bit of an overhaul in the way you think about lens focal lengths. For me, when suddenly a 50mm...
Best B&W Films for Landscape Photography by James Baturin
Landscape photography is a great way to use your camera to slow down and see the world around you in a new way. It’s the beauty of the outdoor landscape...
Double Exposure Hack for the Hasselblad 500 C/M by James Baturin
For all it’s wonderful qualities, one feature the Hasselblad 500 C/M lacks is a setting for double exposures. Shooting double exposures and multiple exposures is the process of...