
tri-x 400

New Mexico on Large Format by Nathan McCreery on Shoot It With Film

New Mexico on Large Format: A Photo Essay by Nathan McCreery

I have wandered the American Outback now for many years. Whether the deserts of the Southwest, seashores of the North Coast...

Medium format film image of Patagonia by Alex van Leeuwen on Shoot It With Film

Patagonia Travel Story by Alex van Leeuwen

The initial idea for a trip to Patagonia - centered around the Torres del Paine hike - was my brother’s. But as soon as he showed me pictures of the...

35mm fine art film photography by Fidan Nazim qizi on Shoot It With Film

Fine Art Series by Fidan Nazim qizi

Today, we're featuring a beautiful collection of fine art film photography from Fidan Nazim qizi. Scroll below to view the series...

Black and white film image - Kodak Tri-X vs T-Max by Taylor Blanchard on Shoot It With Film

Kodak Tri-X 400 vs Kodak T-MAX 400: Battle of Kodak’s B&W Giants by Taylor Blanchard

If you’re like me, you may gravitate to a certain film stock for a host of reasons that you no longer remember. When I got back into film...

35mm black and white film image of Scotland by Neil Milton on Shoot It With Film

Scotland Travel Story by Neil Milton

The first 2 years of the pandemic were difficult for a Scottish emigrant settled in Poland. For the decade prior, I had taken keen advantage...

Black and white film image on Kodak Tri-X - Kodak Tri-X 400 Review by Neil Milton on Shoot It With Film

Kodak Tri-X: Why I Love It & Why You Should Too by Neil Milton

Turning to street photography in 2006, my first photos of any merit were taken on Leica's first digital rangefinder, the M8...

35mm black and white film portrait of a woman - I Am Project by Meredith Green on Shoot It With Film

I Am Project and Photo Essay by Meredith Green

In September of 2021, I picked up a film camera not knowing what I was doing or quite sure what to expect. I wasn’t unhappy with my digital camera...

35mm black and white film image of a road - B&W Fine Art Series by Craig Scoffone on Shoot It With Film

B&W Fine Art Series by Craig Scoffone

Today, we're featuring a series of abstract black and white images from photographer Craig Scoffone. Craig is based in San Francisco and focuses on commercial, portraiture, and fine art photography...

Abstract black and white film photography image of a landscape - Ajar Abstract BW Series by Mickaël André on Shoot It With Film

AJAR by Mickaël André an Abstract B&W Film Photography Project

My journey through photography is a way for me to explore my inner self. I'm trying to give birth to images that could make me feel that particular connection...

Silver Gelatin Prints by Mikael Siirlia on Shoot It With Film Featured Image

Silver Gelatin Prints by Mikael Siirilä

The submitted images are a selection of prints spanning 2016-2020. I don’t work in projects or themes. Rather, all my images touch and explore themes such as outsiderhood, absence, and...