
black & white

Shooting Ilford Delta 3200 and Kodak T-MAX P3200 by Taylor Blanchard on Shoot It With Film

Using High ISO B&W Film: Ilford Delta 3200 and Kodak T-MAX P3200 by Taylor Blanchard

The versatility of 400 ISO films also makes them the most popular – providing a wide exposure latitude for a variety of shooting conditions...

New Mexico on Large Format by Nathan McCreery on Shoot It With Film

New Mexico on Large Format: A Photo Essay by Nathan McCreery

I have wandered the American Outback now for many years. Whether the deserts of the Southwest, seashores of the North Coast...

35mm film image of Key West by Kelli Hardin on Shoot It With Film

Key West Travel Story by Kelli Hardin

This post may contain affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, Shoot It With Film may receive a small commission at no additional cost to...

Lomography BW Film Guide by Jennifer Stamps on Shoot It With Film

Lomography Black & White Film Guide by Jennifer Stamps

Lomography has a very special place in my heart. My very first film camera in the digital age was a Lomography Diana and my first roll of film was...

Street photography capturing on 35mm film by Neil Milton on Shoot It With Film

Street Photography: Capturing Expressions by Neil Milton

In On Reading, a concise collection of photographs by André Kertész, there is a picture made in The Bowery, New York City on December 8th, 1960...

Cupiss Press Photo Essay By Dominic Whiten on Shoot It With Film

The End of an Era: Cupiss Press Photo-Essay by Dominic Whiten

Tucked away, down a side turning of a bustling country market town, you’d be forgiven for never knowing of the existence of Cupiss Press...

35mm film photography of a street photography image by Neil Milton on Shoot It With Film

Street Photography: 5 Assignments for Beginners by Neil Milton

Many photographers want to try their hand at street photography but find they are too shy or introverted to make a start. Leaping into street photography...

An example of stand development with black and white film on Shoot It With Film

Set It & Forget It Film Developing: An Introduction to Stand Development by Taylor Blanchard

When you develop your own black & white film negatives, you generally follow a set process: measure a specific quantity of water for your tank...

Medium format film image of Norway by Calum Bradshaw on Shoot It With Film

Norway Travel Series by Calum Bradshaw

These photos are from a series I shot during a five-day road trip through Norway's Lofoten Islands. We drove from Tromsø to Å and back again...

Medium format film image of Patagonia by Alex van Leeuwen on Shoot It With Film

Patagonia Travel Story by Alex van Leeuwen

The initial idea for a trip to Patagonia - centered around the Torres del Paine hike - was my brother’s. But as soon as he showed me pictures of the...