
jessica bellinger

How To Shoot Fuji Superia 400 by Jessica Bellinger on Shoot It With Film

How To Shoot Fujifilm Superia 400 by Jessica Bellinger

I love Fuji Superia 400 because I can literally buy it at Walmart or a drug store if I need to, and it's super comparable to most 400 speed 35mm...

How To Shoot Color Infrared Film by Jessica Bellinger on Shoot It With Film

How To Shoot Color Infrared Film by Jessica Bellinger

Film Photography Project (FPP) Color Infrared film is a duplication of discontinued Kodak Aerochrome film. Infrared film is infrared sensitive which creates false colors on your negative. So expect...

Shoot It With Film Jessica Bellinger Instax Hack

Shooting Instax Film Through A Medium Format Camera by Jessica Bellinger

We are sharing an awesome video today from film photographer Jessica Bellinger all about hacking your medium format camera to shoot Instax film...