Today, we’re featuring a beautiful set of black and white images of Paris from film photographer Martina Rigotti. Here are a few words from Martina about her love of Paris and film photography…
A small, or maybe not so small, part of my heart still lives in Paris, where I spent fourteen months of my life. At that time, I did not shoot on film, and, sincerely, I don’t know why. When I moved to Italy, my photographic path led me to a Nikon FM2, and my personal point of view changed under a multitude of aspects. Now, I like waiting, and then shoot only once as if my breath stops. I enjoy going into the store and being able to choose the softness of the black and white film. I love the rewind noise of the film camera: I do it slowly so I can feel if every single step is going fine. But, sometimes, I incredibly miss that part of my heart, and so I return to my Paris to look for it.
Analog cameras and films used: Nikon FM2 (Find at KEH Camera or eBay) | Agfa APX 400 (Find on Amazon)
Connect with Martina: Website | Instagram

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Blog Comments
Film & The Girl
November 28, 2018 at 12:27 pm
OMG these are lovely! Absolutely lovely!