The Shoot It With Film Instagram feed and hashtag have been filled with such stunning imagery over the last couple of weeks. We saw film photographers push their creativity by using movement, focus, and framing to convey emotion. We could not be more thankful for this community and how you all are spreading inspiration daily during this new season of uncertainty and change. Check out a few of the highlights below!
Follow Shoot It With Film on Instagram to see inspiring film images every day, and be sure to tag your own film work on Instagram with #shootitwithfilm to be featured!

Left to right: @stellina.stampouli, @amandinebesacier, @erinfleggphoto, @alessandroacori, @cannedfilm
Check out all of our Instagram Roundups here, and be sure to follow us on Instagram and use the hashtag #shootitwithfilm to join in the fun!

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