Evergreen Camera Bag Review: The Legacy Camera Sling
The hunt for the perfect camera bag feels never ending. I'm always searching for a bag that looks great, holds up while it’s jammed packed with gear...
Intrepid Camera Launches a Brand New Large Format Lens & Electronic Shutter
On Tuesday, Intrepid Camera launched its latest Kickstarter project: a 150mm f6.3 lens for large format cameras as well as an electronic shutter...
Using a Gray Card for Photography: What is It & Do I Need One? by Jen Golay
Have you ever heard of a gray card? Do you know what they’re used for? Why and when? If you answered “no” to any of these questions...
Experimenting With the Polaroid Now+ Lens Filters by Jennifer Stamps
I recently wrote about my experience with the Polaroid Now+ camera. What I didn’t write about were the filters that come with the camera...
Seahorse 830 Protective Camera Case: A Tough & Versatile Pelican Alternative
If you're traveling with a lot of gear this summer, a protective hard case for your camera equipment is a great investment. It will...
10 Gifts for Film Photographers Under $25!
If you need a few last minute gifts to finish up your holiday shopping, here are ten gifts for the photographer and film shooter in your life...
4 Film Cases Worth Checking Out!
Film cases are containers specifically designed to carry 35mm and 120 rolls of film, and they are a great option for organizing your film rolls while you're shooting or at...