Evergreen Camera Bag Review: The Legacy Camera Sling
The hunt for the perfect camera bag feels never ending. I'm always searching for a bag that looks great, holds up while it’s jammed packed with gear...
Intrepid Camera Launches a Brand New Large Format Lens & Electronic Shutter
On Tuesday, Intrepid Camera launched its latest Kickstarter project: a 150mm f6.3 lens for large format cameras as well as an electronic shutter...
5 Best Handheld Light Meters for Film Photography
One of the most essential pieces of equipment for film photographers has to be a handheld light meter. In order to make a good exposure...
Seahorse 830 Protective Camera Case: A Tough & Versatile Pelican Alternative
If you're traveling with a lot of gear this summer, a protective hard case for your camera equipment is a great investment. It will...
4 Film Cases Worth Checking Out!
Film cases are containers specifically designed to carry 35mm and 120 rolls of film, and they are a great option for organizing your film rolls while you're shooting or at...
Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner Review by Samantha Stortecky
Hello friends! I am back with another fun analog tool that has me excited for all the film projects that 2022 will bring us! Last year for Christmas, I purchased...
Negative Supply Basic 120 Film Carrier Review by John Adams III
Ever since coming across Amy Berge’s guide to scanning your own film at home, I’ve been a huge advocate for self scanning your film. Scanning your own film allows...