
tom box

How to Choose a Color Film by David Rose on Shoot It With Film

Our Top Ten Film Photography Tutorials of 2019

As we wrap up 2019 and set our sights on 2020, we wanted to take a minute and share some of our most popular film photography tutorials from the past...

Pinhole Film Photography and Cameras by Tom Box on Shoot It With Film

Pinhole Film Photography by Tom Box

I've been shooting pinhole film photography for a while now, and, though I never expected it, it's slowly becoming my primary form of photography. I've always enjoyed the slow process...

The Frankencamera: Experiments in Modifying Film Cameras by Tom Box on Shoot It With Film

The Frankencamera: Experiments in Modifying Film Cameras by Tom Box

One of the primary lures of film photography over digital is the scope for experimentation. The physical, chemical nature of the film process means you don't really need any kind...

Using Prisms for Creative Photography Effects by Tom Box on Shoot It With Film

Using Prisms for Creative Photography Effects by Tom Box

Ever since starting up with film photography, I've explored the experimental aspects of the hobby: film soup, double exposures, home-made cameras, intentional light leaks... It was this desire to experiment...

Visiting and Shooting Film in Japan by Tom Box on Shoot It With Film

A Japan Travel Guide by Tom Box

Japan has been top of my and my wife Sarah's 'must visit' list for as long as we've known each other, and in November we finally managed to make it...

Night Photography on the Olympus Trip 35 by Tom Box on Shoot It With Film

How to Shoot Night Photography with the Olympus Trip 35 by Tom Box

I would imagine most, if not all, of the people reading this have heard of the Olympus Trip 35. Over 10,000,000 units of the camera were sold during it's lifetime...

Yashica 635 TLR Film Camera Review by Tom Box on Shoot It With Film

Yashica 635 Film Camera Review by Tom Box

Prior to owning my Yashica 635, my only experience with a Twin Lens Reflex camera was picking one up in the local camera shop, scoffing at the flipped viewfinder image,...

How to Make a 120 Pinhole Camera by Tom Box on Shoot It With Film

How to Make a 120 Pinhole Camera by Tom Box

In this post, I will explain how to turn a knackered, pull-out/collapsible/tube camera into a usable, super wide angle 120 pinhole camera. Most home-made pinhole guidelines suggest using thin sheets...

Shoot It With Film Tom Box Film Soup Tutorial

A Film Soup Tutorial by Tom Box

I'd read up quite a bit on film soup and was adamant I'd try it. Film soup normally involves dunking a film canister entirely in your chosen ingredients, letting it...