Fujifilm Instax SP-2 Printer Review by Samantha Stortecky

Image of the Fujfilm Instax SP-2 printer - Fujifilm Instax SP-2 Printer Review by Samantha Stortecky on Shoot It With Film
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Written by Samantha Stortecky

If you know me, you probably already know how much I love a good instant camera. I’ve even reviewed one of my all-time favorite cameras, the Instax Wide 300, here on Shoot It With Film.

And, while I am all for keeping the love of film alive, I also know that we live in a digital world, and sometimes digital products can be a blessing.

One of these products is the Fujifilm Instax SP-2 Printer.

Find the Fujifilm Instax SP-2 or the updated Instax SP-3 on Amazon.

Fujifilm Instax SP-2 Printer Review
Fujifilm Instax SP-2 Printer Review
Fujifilm Instax SP-2 Printer Review
Image of the Fujfilm Instax SP-2 printer - Fujifilm Instax SP-2 Printer Review by Samantha Stortecky on Shoot It With Film

This little printer is such an amazing tool, because I can use it to print instant film images without having to have a film camera with me all of the time.

While I love having a film camera on me as much as possible, I also have 3 kids, and remembering to pack a film camera, let alone get out of the door on time, is a miracle that doesn’t happen very often.

That’s where the Instax SP-2 handy dandy printer comes in! I get the best of both worlds, being able to have tangible film images of all the awesome images I take with my phone.

It uses an app on my phone to print images from my camera roll onto Instax Mini film.

So, let’s jump into talking about this awesome little printer.

Two Instax mini images side-by-side. One with palm trees and one with sunglasses. - Fujifilm Instax SP-2 Printer Review by Samantha Stortecky on Shoot It With Film

Fujifilm Instax SP-2 Tech Details

Before I start gushing about how much I love this printer, let us first look at a few specs and details.

The Instax SP-2 is typically sold at around $100 and comes in both silver and gold. It holds one Instax Mini film pack (10 images) at a time and prints in RGB at 320 dpi.

The only accessory that comes with the SP-2 is the USB charging cable, which takes about 90 minutes to reach a full charge and can print up to 100 images on a full battery.

At the top of the printer is a LED indicator letting you know how many images are left in your printer as well as the battery life.

On the opposite side is a cover lock. When sliding the cover lock to the right, the back pops open, and this is where you insert your pack of Instax Mini film.

On the side of the printer is the power button and a “reprint” button, as well as the USB connector slot. The printer works alongside your phone with an app and can print both JPG and PNG image formats.

The printer itself is 3.5 inches wide, 5.1 inches long, 1.5 inches in diameter, and weighs roughly 9oz, making this printer a light and compact companion.

Image of the Fujfilm Instax SP-2 printer - Fujifilm Instax SP-2 Printer Review by Samantha Stortecky on Shoot It With Film
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Using the Instax SP-2 Printer

Using this printer is easy peasy lemon squeezy. Once you get it, all it needs is a good charge by USB, as well as a pack of Instax mini film loaded into it.

Everything else is done from the comfort of your phone. They have a app you can download for both iPhone and Android called Instax SHARE.

Printing with the SHARE App

I’ll walk you through the steps on how to print a good image (I have an Android phone, so know that there might be some difference for iPhone users).

Once you’ve pulled up the app onto your phone, you can select an image from your gallery.

This is then going to pull up the screen below:

Editing screen from the Instax SHARE app - Fujifilm Instax SP-2 Printer Review by Samantha Stortecky on Shoot It With Film

If you click the “Edit” button on the bottom right, this is where you can change the size and look of your image before you print it.

I typically will only adjust the brightness & contrast by a little bit. I find that this printer is very true to what you see on your phone screen.

Then, I click the “Ok” button on the bottom right, and then click the “Connect and print.”

For the printing to actually go through, your phone needs to connect with your printer, and I find having the Bluetooth and location setting turned on helps with fast connectivity!

Once your printer connects with your camera, your image will start printing, and voila! You now have a spiffy Instax mini image of your phone picture!

Two Instax mini images side-by-side. One with an airplane, and one with clothing. - Fujifilm Instax SP-2 Printer Review by Samantha Stortecky on Shoot It With Film

Pros of the Instax SP-2

One of the biggest pros for me with the Instax SP-2 is the quality of the images that are printed.

I’ve placed them side by side with Instax images shot directly out of a camera, and the printed images always come out better.

I think it’s mostly because the clarity is retained in the printed image. There isn’t that typical soft edge look that most instant pictures have.

The actual printed images also come out looking identical to what your phone screen shows you. This makes it a lot more fun to print with as you can experiment with different filters and effects.

I have even had fun editing my images in Lightroom or VSCO on my mobile phone and then printing them out. Almost always, my images come out looking identical to what I created on my phone!

The app also gives you the ability to change your color image into black and white, which really gives you a lot of creative freedom when it comes to printing out your images.

Two Instax mini images side-by-side. One with boats, and one with jellyfish. - Fujifilm Instax SP-2 Printer Review by Samantha Stortecky on Shoot It With Film

Accessories for the SP-2

And lastly, I also love how much variety there is when it comes to accessories.

It is no secret that the Instax Mini cameras have wayyyyy more options in terms of different types of film, camera colors, cases, etc. With all the options of film packs that are available, this is a great way to get some of your phone images printed off and into albums.

Here are a few of my favorite accessories for this printer:

Image of the Fujfilm Instax SP-2 printer - Fujifilm Instax SP-2 Printer Review by Samantha Stortecky on Shoot It With Film


A big con for this printer is that it has been discontinued, which unfortunately seems to be a reoccurring issue with Fujifilm products.

But you can still find this printer on Amazon in relatively inexpensive bundles, and, if all else fails, they do have a newer model, the Instax SP-3.

This printer also runs out of battery life pretty stinkin’ fast, so if you are traveling with it, I highly recommend bringing your charger with you!

The “reprint” button can also be troublesome. It is on the side of the printer where your fingers naturally land when holding it.

If you accidently press it when going to pick it up, you’ll print out another version of your previously printed image. I may or may not be speaking from experience here.

Image of the Fujfilm Instax SP-2 printer - Fujifilm Instax SP-2 Printer Review by Samantha Stortecky on Shoot It With Film

Final Thoughts

Well friends, I better wrap this up. I know this technically wasn’t a “true” film stock or film camera review, but I believe that this is a great option for those of us who want an easy way to experience instant film and who have a bad habit of always forgetting their cameras at home!

Thank you so much, Samantha! Samantha is a regular contributor here at Shoot It With Film, and you can check out her other articles here, including a Fujifilm Instax Wide 300 Instant camera review and how to shoot Kodak Portra 400.

You can also check out more of Samantha’s work on her website and Instagram.

Let us know any questions you have about the Fujifilm Instax SP-2 below in the comments, and you can pick up an Instax SP-2 or and Intax SP-3 for yourself on Amazon!

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Samantha Stortecky

Samantha Stortecky is a family photographer and a regular contributor for Shoot It With Film. Find her other articles here, such as How to Shoot Kodak Portra 400 and 5 Unique & Experimental Film Stocks You Need to Try.

Blog Comments

Love this review!

We just got the Instax Mini Link at work. I haven’t had a chance to test it out yet. Just curious if you guys have used it and how the Mini Link compares to the SP-2?


Has the SP2 pressure been discontinued? I can’t find it on Amazon

sorry it’s back in stock from Christmas.

So glad you found one! There is a new model out, the SP3, so the SP2 can be difficult to find. We’ve had good luck finding it in bundles on Amazon!

I got one of these when it was new. It’s nice being able to print pictures from my digital camera or smartphone.
But that reprint button is terrible!

Hi Samantha! I have some of your review articles on instant films and I love how detailed and descriptive you are. I have most of the Fujifilm cameras and printers you have mentioned and I find them very accurate. Thanks for sharing!

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