Our latest feature is a beautiful photo series from film photographer Micah Thornton. Here is more from Micah about capturing the Western Cape of South Africa on film…
I took these photos in and around the Western Cape of some of South Africa’s most iconic beaches. I used my Leica M6, and, as always, I’m so impressed with how that camera manages to so accurately capture the light, color, and the feel of a place. Looking at these pictures takes me right back to the moment I took them in a way shooting on a phone or with digital just doesn’t register. I love this camera, and I love how shooting film forces me to slow down and really see what it is I’m trying to capture. I will never go anywhere without this camera!
Analog cameras and films used: Leica M6 (Find at KEH Camera or on eBay) | Kodak UltraMax 400 (Find on Amazon)
Connect with Micah: Instagram

Check out all of our film photography features here, and if you want to have your own film work featured on the site, view our submissions process!

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