
experimental film photography

Medium format film image of flowers with the Holga close-up lens by Alec Pain on Shoot It With Film

The Holga Close-Up Lens: Photographing Flowers by Alec Pain

I started taking photos of flowers primarily after having seen the beautiful work of @georgefilmfotografie and @vivid_opia...

Holga Self Portraits with Strobes by Alec Pain on Shoot It With Film

Self-Portrait Experiment: Holga, Strobes, & Gels by Alec Pain

My previous article on using a Holga with a flash showed you experiments using the built-in flash of the Holga GCFN and a Holga with a flash...

EBS Self Portraits by Alec Pain on Shoot It With Film

Creating EBS Self-Portraits – Exposing Both Sides of the Film by Alec Pain

I came late to the EBS (Expose Both Sides of your film) party. I hadn’t really considered it until I saw the incredible shots that...

35mm film image of Iceland by Ines Valente on Shoot It With Film

Iceland Travel Story by Inês Valente

These images are from a trip I made last year to Icelandic Westfjords. It was my second time in Iceland. The first time, I did the all circle road trip...

Holga Self Portraits w Flash by Alec Pain on Shoot It With Film

Self-Portrait Experiment Using a Holga & Flash by Alec Pain

For this experiment, I decided to try some self-portraits on a Holga with different flash setups...

Double Exposures Beach Series by Jean-Christophe Villefranche on Shoot It With Film

Double Exposures at the Beach by Jean-Christophe Villefranche

Today, we're featuring a beautiful double exposure series from film photographer Jean-Christophe Villefranche, captured on a beach where he used to go with his grandparents as a child...

How to add embroidery to Polaroids by Jennifer Stamps on Shoot It With Film

Adding Embroidery to Polaroids to Create One-Of-A-Kind Works of Art by Jennifer Stamps

Calling all experimental photographers and artists! In this article, I will give a step-by-step guide on how to add embroidery to your Polaroids...

35mm panoramic film image with the Holga 135 Pan on Shoot It With Film

The Holga 135 Pan: Getting to Know Your Camera by Alec Pain

Over the past year, I’ve become obsessed with buying different Holgas. I don’t think I can possibly own every Holga...

Example of experimental film photography on Shoot It With Film

9 Amazing Experimental Film Photographers! by Sara Johansen

I’m always on the hunt for inspiration. Sometimes it’s new music, maybe walking through an art gallery, talking with artist friends...

Long exposure film photography image - Long Exposure Tips by Alec Pain on Shoot It With Film

Long Exposure Film Photography at Night: Learning From My Mistakes by Alec Pain

Despite the extra weight on your already heavy camera bag(s), long exposure film photography with a tripod can be a very satisfying...