Today, we’re featuring a photo essay from Sam Claydon and his honeymoon trip to Cuba documented on 35mm film. Scroll below to view the images and read more from Sam about his time in Cuba…
Analog cameras and films used: Canon FTb (Find at KEH Camera or on eBay) | Kodak Gold 200 (Find on Amazon)
Connect with Sam: Instagram
Cuba Honeymoon Photo Essay
By Sam Claydon
It was 2019.
We had gotten married only a week before when we packed our matching backpacks to fly across oceans to the time capsule of a country: Cuba.

Out of the myriad of honeymoon destinations, we had decided on Cuba, because we wanted to choose a location which may not exist in the future in the same way as it does today.
Of course, any place you visit is subject to the change of time, but Cuba became the undeniable choice. Tucked-away from the changes of the world, floating idly in the northern Caribbean, allowing us to step back in time for our electrifying journey.

We chose to be adventurous: opting to only book our first night there (as it was mandatory to do so to enter the country) and played the rest by-ear.
Destinations undecided, and asking locals to give us guidance. Together with our backpacks, our trusted brick-of-a-camera, the Canon FTb, and truly ourselves to rely on.
Our trip took us to three cities: the bustling city of Havana, the mountainous gem of Viñales, and the cobble-stoned colonial wonder of Trinidad.

As we got to know the country, we found solace in its existence, which seemed far and apart from all that is familiar. Never have we been so conscious of transience. Even a little glimpse of change, quite-selfishly, made us a little queasy.
To think that this wonder too, will one day diminish into our history books, occupying a small section under ‘Cold-War.’ Only to be remembered as a distant memory or an anecdote from a grandparent which, by then, will seem so far out of reach.

From the music in the streets, the rumble of classic muscle-cars, and the honey-smelling cigar plantations to the golden sunshine that melts your heart and soul, the people of Cuba welcomed us and our newly found matrimony with open arms and an open heart.
Cuba and its wonders will remain in our hearts for years to come. The time capsule will remain with us to stand the test of time.
With love,
Check out all of our film photography features here, and if you want to have your own film work featured on the site, view our submissions process!

Blog Comments
June 16, 2023 at 2:08 am
Sam, it looks like you two had a great time. From the evidence only of photos I’ve seen, Cuba offers great natural beauty and warm, resilient people. (Put aside economic depravation and a repressive authoritarian state that brooks no dissent.) My questions are, how many rolls of film did you take, and how did you transport it through airports? Thanks.
June 18, 2023 at 7:23 am
Hi Gary, thank for your comment! We took about 6 rolls of film, and managed to lose one with my wife holding a tarantula! As for going through airport security, I’ve traveled through many with film, but have never had any issues with my film being affected by the X-ray etc. I will also add that I don’t use any protective casings. Wish this is helpful!
June 20, 2023 at 2:32 am
Thanks for your reply. It’s interesting–it sounds as if you let your film be x-rayed and have never had a problem. Do you ever request a hand-check of your unexposed film? Great, happy shots, by the way.
June 20, 2023 at 6:45 pm
Thanks so much! As for requesting hand-checking, no I don’t. I’ve been told that due to technological advancements, this is usually no longer a worry – I haven’t fact checked this, but as I said before, I’ve never had an issue myself so far.