
hasselblad 500cm

Fedje Travel Story by Rick Davy on Shoot It With Film

Fedje: The Village in the Ocean Travel Story by Rick Davy

Fedje is a tiny island off the coast of Norway's western Hordaland. It's only accessible by ferry and with a population of around 600...

Medium format film image from the Hasselblad Ballet project - How to Publish a Personal Photography Project by David Teran on Shoot It With Film

My Journey Turning a Personal Photography Project into a Published Book by David Teran

Howdy! My name is David Teran, a fine art portrait photographer based in San Antonio, Texas. Today, I would like to give you a little insight...

Medium format film image of the beach - Ilford FP4 Plus Film Review by James Baturin on Shoot It With Film

Ilford FP4 Plus Black & White Film Review by James Baturin

When I think of faster film speeds, “versatility” is not the first word that comes to mind. On the one hand, they are generally the sharpest film stocks around with...

Hasselblad 500CM Double Exposure Hack on Shoot It With Film

Double Exposure Hack for the Hasselblad 500 C/M by James Baturin

For all it’s wonderful qualities, one feature the Hasselblad 500 C/M lacks is a setting for double exposures. Shooting double exposures and multiple exposures is the process of...

Medium format black and white film image of a flower - Using Extension Tubes for Macro Film Photography by James Baturin on Shoot It With Film

Using Extension Tubes for Macro Film Photography by James Baturin

If you’ve ever wanted to try macro photography but don’t have a macro lens (or the money to buy one), an extension tube might be a cost effective and easy...

Medium format film portrait - Thalia Fine Art Series by Courtney Bell on Shoot It With Film

Thalia Fine Art Series by Courtney Bell

The model in these photos, Shawnetta, has become somewhat of a muse for me over the past year, which is precisely what inspired the idea to have her portray one...

Medium format black and what film image of man's portrait - Bergger Pancro 400 BW Film Review by James Baturin on Shoot It With Film

Bergger Pancro 400 B&W Film Review by James Baturin

It’s no secret to film photographers that the cost of film is on the rise these days. And so when on my latest online film order I saw that the...

Medium format film image of a portrait of a woman - Retro Vibes by Courtney Bell on Shoot It With Film

Retro Vibes by Courtney Bell

About a month ago, I decided to take the plunge and buy one of my bucket list film cameras, a Hasselblad 500CM with the 80mm f/2.8 lens. After shooting a...

Medium format film image of the beach - Cornwall Landscapes on Film by Rick Davy on Shoot It With Film

Cornwall: This Lovely Colorful Land by Rick Davy

Cornwall is located in the far west of the UK, surrounded by the Atlantic on both sides. We have over 300 miles of coastline and have some of the best...

Hasselblad 500 CM - How to Troubleshoot Shutter Speed Issues by Ryan Seabrook on Shoot It With Film

At-Home Test to Troubleshoot Shutter Speed Issues by Ryan Seabrook

Some disappointing film slides arrived in the post this week, an ugly jumble of well exposed and limp, underexposed frames...